Gnashrakk - 2010-09-08 21:27:44

Annunaku - Masters of their domain and all within, these Kindred are dangerous foes in their own territory
Barjot - The ties of blood are strong with this line, and they are never alone
Bohagande - With Lady Luck on their side, these Kindred are seldom welcomed and often scorned
Bruja - Bikers, smugglers, and criminals, the Bruja are despised and feared by many
Carnon - Rockers, revolutionaries, and punks, the Carnon have strong ties to the Beast, and to animals
Childer of the Morrigan - Witches and advisors who have the honed instincts of beasts and creatures
Dead Wolves - Wolf-bloods who were Embraced before their werewolf heritage could emerge
Empusae - Zealous believers of the chaotic Goddess of Witchcraft, Hecate
Hounds of Actaeon - Children of Artemis who have turned hunting into their way of life
Larvae - Dangerous barbarians, these Gangrel are even more cruel and degenerate than their parent clan
Les Gens Libres - Ex-slaves who are committed to the creation and preservation of freedom
Mabry - Fierce bikers and gangsters who have a powerful pack mentality
Moroi - A strange hybrid bloodline produced by a pact between the Gangrel and the Nosferatu
Mystikoi - A sect who seeks transcendence by delving all of the unknown mysteries of the universe
Nepheshim - Impoverished nomads who are always seeking, hoping to find divine enlightenment
Oberlochs - These are the monsters you find lurking in the small towns and backwoods
Shepherds - Herders who protect humanity from the dangers of vampiric excess
Taifa - A bloodline of social and sophisticated Kindred, brining a touch of class to the Gangrel
The Mara - Silent and predatory Beasts who live much of their life under the water
Vedma - Witches, seers, and gypsies, the Vedma produce misinformation with their magic