Adroanzi - African gardeners who control the land and plants around them in macabre ways Azerkatil - A legendary bloodline thought to be able to kill Dracula Baddacelli - Blind vampires who live by sound, not by sight Burakumin - Individuals of lowly standing who have power over death. Japannese. Calacas - Stalkers and creeps who talk with the dead to know as much as possible about their prey Caporetti - Cold-loving vampires who took refuge in the Alps during the Great War Cimitiere - A group of Haunts that paradoxically adhere to their morality with utmost care The Cockscomb Society - Gents and gals who think that, despite their appearance, they can blend with humanity Csejthe - Descendants of Bathory Erszebet who punish the Galloi for "stealing" their secret to being beautiful Galloi - Distorted beings who bathe themselves and others in blood that gives temporary beauty Gethsemani - Kindred who gain power from committing blasphemies against the Cross Licinii - An ancient and fearsome bloodline fusing the Nosferatu with social dominance Lygos - The creeping horrors that lurk in the dark and unlit spaces Mayarap - Snake vampires who contemplate the sins of all the Kindred Moroi - A strange hybrid bloodline produced by a pact between the Gangrel and the Nosferatu Morotrophians - Lovers of order, who create boundaries to trap themselves and their prey Noctuku - Freakish cannibals who eat the flesh of others for sustenance Order of Sir Martin - An order with a terrifying disease pledged to uphold the laws of the First Estate Rakshasa - Grotesquely inhuman Kindred who take animal forms Telamones - Distressing Engineers who toil beneath the surface on vast and frightening projects Usiri - Worshippers of Osiris who hid their information gathering powers into their blood Yagnatia - An infertile bloodline who were once a part of Russian nobility